Values & Sustainability
Oceania Medical was founded by individuals who had spent years travelling and working on the world's oceans. Protecting these oceans & our planet is important to us and we strive to operate with the least environmental impact possible.
We achieve this in the following ways
- Work with suppliers to reduce or eliminate the need for single-use plastics in packaging
- Recycle all single-use plastics that come into our office
- Dispatch our products in paper packaging
- Oceania Medical have converted to biodegradable courier bags
- Recycle all used lithium batteries and offer a free battery recycling service to our clients to dispose of expired lithium batteries
- Recycle cardboard, plastics & tin & Reduce general office waste to 1 bag a fortnight.
- Enforce keep cups in the office for customers and staff to avoid single-use coffee cups
- Support Ocean Clean up as our charity of choice.
Trash accumulates in 5 ocean garbage patches, the largest one being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located between Hawaii and California. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health and economies. Solving it requires a combination of closing the source, and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean.
The Ocean Cleanup develops advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic. A full-scale deployment of our systems is estimated to clean up 50 % of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch every 5 years.